Tasty Tuesday – Egg Rolls & Picture Failure

This Friday we are leaving for our huge camping trip of the year and I am getting really antsy about it! Every year we have a competition between sites for who makes the best (insert whatever food topic here). Last year we had a Bloody Mary competition. This year it’s who has the best appetizer and beer combination. Mr. Roommate and I are doing eggrolls and homemade brew (not sure which kind he is going to bring but I can guarantee it will rock). I rarely make eggrolls because they are so time consuming and not very good for you but they taste delicious and both of our families have been asking me to make them for a few months now.

So yesterday, I spent a good portion of my day chopping, grating, mixing, seasoning, rolling and deep frying eggrolls. Each time I got to another step in the process, I would think to myself I should really take a picture of this for my Tasty Tuesday post but let me just finish this one step. Well guess what…I said that about every single step and didn’t realize I had taken a total of zero pictures until I had finished zipping up the last bag of eggrolls and sticking them in the freezer. Serious fail on my part.

Here’s a pretty picture of what they would look like had I just taken the time to stop for a minute and snap a pic.

By the end of last night, I was so tired of food and so mad at myself that I didn’t have pictures that I didn’t bother writing this Tasty Tuesday post so that’s why it’s a day late.

Meat (chicken, pork, shrimp…optional) – already cooked
White Onion
Green Onion
Glass Noodles
Oyster Sauce
Cooking Oil
Egg Roll Wrappers (I found mine at the local grocer in the produce area by the lettuce and cabbage, I’ve also bought some from Asian specialty food stores)

1. Roughly chopped all the vegetables, with the exception of the carrots — grate it instead. You can decide how much vegetables to use depending on how much you want to make.
2. Boil a pot of water. Once boiled, soak the noodles until they soften. Cut/chopped the noodles into two to three inch sections.
3. Mix all the veggies and noodles together in a mixing bowl. Season it with salt, black peppers and oyster sauce.
4. Taste it to make sure it’s to your liking.
5. Add the ground meat and eggs to the veggies and noodles; mix it well.
* The eggs are used to bind all the ingredients together. Remember to set an egg yoke aside so you can use it to seal the eggroll wrapper(s) together.
6. Lay out the eggroll wrappers in a diamond shape and put a small portion into the side closest to you. Fold the corner closest to you over it all the way and tuck it under the mixture. Roll a little bit and then fold in both corners to the middle. Use the egg yolk to make it stick together. Keep rolling and use a little egg yolk to close completely. (See why I needed pictures?) It’s kind of like you’re rolling a burrito so think of it that way if my directions confuse you!
6. Fry the eggrolls once you finish rolling them. *Hint…Do not it sit out too long prior to frying otherwise the wrappers will dry and crack*

There is special sauce sold in the oriental section of your local grocery store and if mixed with a little cilantro, it’s the perfect dipping sauce for your eggrolls. Make sure you can dedicate a little time to this. Mine took quite a while but I did end up making 50+ of them so I’m sure that had something to do with it.

Have fun making your kitchen oriental!

6 thoughts on “Tasty Tuesday – Egg Rolls & Picture Failure

  1. Pingback: Chinese Chicken Lettuce Wraps « readeatcreate

  2. Pingback: Red Velvet Cake Balls « readeatcreate

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