Ritz Clubs

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I can’t believe football season is almost to an end? Can you believe it? I’m sad because I really like cheering on my Packers. Might as well keep cheering though because they are playing this Saturday against the San Francisco 49ers. And when you’re sitting around watching a Packer game, the only way to do it is with delicious snacks on your plate right?

These little guys are super easy to make and taste delicious. They might be no brainers but they will definitely keep your guests happy before a main meal anywhere you go. Enjoy!

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Ritz Clubs

8 slices bacon (1/2 pound)
32 RITZ Crackers
3 tablespoons honey mustard
8 thin slices deli honey roasted turkey breast (1/4 pound)
1 medium plum or Roma tomato, seeded and finely chopped
1/2 cup baby spinach, finely chopped
1 radish, finely chopped
1-1/2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil, for drizzling
1/8 teaspoon each salt and pepper

1. Cook bacon until crisp, then cut each slice into quarters.
2. Dot the crackers with honey mustard and top with a piece of bacon.
3. Cut the deli slices of turkey in quarters. Fold the pieces of turkey to fit the crackers. Pile turkey on top of bacon.
4. Toss the tomatoes, spinach, and radishes and dress the relish with olive oil, salt and pepper.
5. Top the tukey with a rounded teaspoon of the tomato and spinach relish.

Pack Attack and Buffalo-Chicken Quesadillas

If you follow me on Instgram, you will have seen there was a lot of packer action this past Sunday.  I went to the game and even though it was really freaking cold out, it was awesome!  Partly because the Packers spanked the Cardinals and partly because I have third row seats and I can practically pinch their butts if they back up too close.  I wouldn’t put it past me!  Here’s a little picture fun of this past Sunday (and I’m sorry about the repeats if you follow me on Instagram)!

Okay now that I got the Packer pictures out of my system, I thought I would add a recipe in this post that will benefit YOU.  It’s for all those football Sunday’s that y’all have!  That’s right…a little buffalo chicken action 🙂

This recipe is delicious and I’m convinced anything in the form of buffalo chicken is acceptable for Sundays.  These quesadillas are BEST when served with blue cheese dressing on the side and celery sticks to cool down your mouth when you realize the sauce is too spicy.  Maybe I only have that problem?  Meh…either way, enjoy!

Buffalo-Chicken Quesadillas

Makes 6 full quesadillas


1 store-bought rotisserie chicken, shredded

3/4 cup buffalo sauce

1 1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese

12 soft flour tortillas (taco size)

Nonstick cooking spray

Blue-cheese dressing

Celery sticks


In a large bowl, combine the chicken with sauce, stir until evenly coated.

Add cheese and toss to combine.

Divide mixture on six tortillas and top each with one of the remaining ingredients.

Coat a large skillet over medium heat with cooking spray.  Cook quesadillas, one at a time, about 3 to 4 minutes per side, using a spatula to turn.

Cut into quarters, and serve with blue-cheese dressing and celery sticks.

10 Things (To Bring With You Tailgating in WI) Sunday

By the time you read this, I will have be up north to the big GB for Packer Sunday and back.  My buns froze off and I may or may not have frozen numb toes but it was all too worth it.  My dad has had two season tickets for I don’t even know how long and in the last few years, our number came up faster than anticipated so we can bring four more people to the games!  This is the only time of year where I will voluntarily put on twelve layers of clothes in a heartbeat and sit on a cold uncomfortable seat for 3+ hours to watch my Packers play from the 3rd row on the 10 yard line. Oh yes.  Throw me a pair of those long johns because I’m in! 

Six of us went up there today to tailgate our hearts out and watch our favorite team beat the Cardinals!  I thought it would be fun to come up with a list of things that are essentials for tailgating when it comes to the colder months in Wisconsin.  You know…when the days are a balmy 42 (and that’s the high)?  It’s fun stuff.

1.  Hand/Feet warmers (worn in better places than your hands or feet)

2.  Long underwear (preferably Cuddl Duds for me!)

3.  Peppermint Schnapps (in a flask to sneak it for your hot cocoa)

4.  Packer hat

5.  Comfortable Boots

6.  Beer on tap (and a “jockeybox” made by your very own Mr. C.)7.  Food chopped and in containers already

8.  A blanket (to put under your buns because they WILL freeze off on the aluminum benches…brrrr cold!)

9.  Radio (to listen to the pregame)

10.  A camera (I used my good one for tailgating but just used my camera phone at the game.  Supposedly I’m not trusted with taking it into public places.  I beg to differ!)

I’ll have a couple more pictures tomorrow of the game!  I normally wouldn’t do a football post but they did a tribute to the veterans and the stadium looked incredible.  You MUST see it.