Vegetable-Cheese Quesadillas


I made these last week before Mr. C. and I went frisbee golfing.  I figured they would be a quick easy meal (not to mention they are pretty healthy too).  What I didn’t expect was how good they would turn out!  I think the trick was putting the corn in.  I’ve never had corn inside a quesadilla before and it changed the taste completely.  The spices helped though too!


Give these a shot the next time you want a quick easy meal that will satisfy your hunger.  These will surely do the trick!

053Vegetable-Cheese Quesadilla

1 teaspoon olive oil
1 onion thinly slices
1 large red pepper, seeded and thinly slices
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
1 teaspoon ground cumin
3/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
6 (6 inch) flour tortillas
1 cup shredded cheese
Hot Pepper sauce

1. Heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet set over medium heat. Add the onion, bell pepper, and garlic; cook stirring until softened, about 5 minutes.
2. Stir in the corn, cumin, and oregano.
3. Cook until heated through, about 2 minutes.
4. Remove the skillet from the heat and stir in the cilantro.
5. Place 3 of the tortillas on the counter and sprinkle 1/3 cup of cheese over each tortilla.
6. Spoon the vegetable mixture on top, dividing it evenly. Dot with hot pepper sauce.
7. Cover with the remaining three tortillas, pressing down lightly.
8. Wipe the skillet clean. Spray with nonstick spray and set over medium-high heat.
9. Add 1 quesadilla and cook until crispy and toasted in spots, about two minutes.
10. Lightly spray the quesadilla with nonstick spray; turn and cook until the tortilla is crispy and cheese is melted, about 1 1/2 minutes longer.
11. Transfer to a cutting board and cut into four wedges. Repeat with the remaining quesadillas.


Chex Mix


This has been a staple in my family for years.  Someone coming over?  Make chex mix.  Holiday coming up?  Better make some chex mix.  Want a delicious snack?  You get the point.  My mom always made this in the oven (I think she still does actually…it make the house smell DIVINE!) but when I was short on time and needed one more thing to fill the table for book club, I figured I’d give this a shot in the microwave.

End result?  Amazing.  Simply amazing.  Plus it only took half the time!  And who doesn’t love chex mix?  I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t love these easy treat!  Enjoy (and don’t eat it it all before your guests arrive)!


Chex Mix

3 cups Corn Chex cereal
3 cups Rice Chex cereal
3 cups Wheat Chex cereal
1 cup mixed nuts
1 cute bite-sized pretzels
6 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons seasoned salt
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder

1. In large microwavable bowl, mix cereals, nuts, and pretzels; set aside.
2. In small microwavable bowl, microwave butter uncovered on high for about 40 seconds or until melted.
3. Stir in seasonings.
4. Pour over cereal mixture. Stir until evenly coated.
5. Microwave uncovered n high for about 5 to 6 minutes, thoroughly stirring every 2 minutes.
6. Spread on paper towels to cool. Store in airtight container until ready to eat!

A Complete Meal Made Just For You


I’ve had summer fever badly lately.  When we had those few random days at the end of March, I was prancing around in short sleeves cleaning my car out and pulling out the patio furniture (truth).  Fifty-five degrees does that to us Wisconsin folk.  Then last week it poured alllll week long.  Like basements flooding rivers overflowing pouring.  I now know what it feels like to live in Seattle.

Anyways though…summer fever.  I have it.  And when the weather gets warmer, the beer gets tastier my taste buds and cooking styles change.

The day I made this for dinner we unfortunately didn’t get to eat on the patio.  Can someone please send us some heat?!  Flooding and 40 degrees (on the good days) aren’t cutting is for me anymore.  A girl can dream though.  Hence this warm weather feel good meal.  If you lice someplace where it’s warmer than 40, think of me when you make this!  I know you’ll enjoy it!

Best part is all three recipes are included so you don’t have to figure out any of the meal on your own.  It’s how I like to roll.


Macadamia Nut-Crusted Tilapia with Pineapple Salsa

For fish:
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup crushed macadamia nuts
2 tilapia fillets (3-4 ounces each)

For salsa:
1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple
1 tablespoon minced red onion
1/4 cup minced cilantro
Salt and pepper
Lime juice to your tasting

1. Preheat over to 400 degrees
2. Put flour, egg, and nuts in three separate shallow dishes.
3. Drench each fillet in flour, then egg, then nuts.
4. Place on oiled baking sheet. Bake 12-14 minutes, until golden brown.
5. While fish is baking, make the salsa. Combine pineapple, onion, cilantro, and lime juice.
6. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with fish.

Sesame Snow Peas

1 cup snow peas
1 teaspoon unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds
Salt and pepper

1. Rinse snow peas but don’t dry.
2. Place in a microwavable bowl and microwave on high for 45 seconds.
3. Stir in butter, sesame seeds and salt and pepper.

Cilantro Lime Rice

1. Add 1 tablespoon lime juice to the water when preparing 1/2 cup long-grain white rice (I just used instant rice).
2. When done cooking according to package directions, stir in 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro.

Chocolate Chip Stuffed Raspberries


I’m not really sure if this is worthy of post by itself but I made these chocolate chip stuffed raspberries two nights ago for book club and they were a hit!  I was excited after everyone left and there were still some in the bowl.  They didn’t last much longer after that 😉

Something about chocolate and berries that gets me.  It’s like raspberry covered chocolate instead of chocolate covered raspberries!  You’ll also notice that I used white chocolate instead of milk chocolate.  I’m normally a big milk chocolate kind of girl but I like the white chocolate a lot more when it comes to covering food (or stuffing food in this case)!  It’s weird I know.  I bet these would be equally amaze-balls with milk chocolate chips though if the white chocolate isn’t your thing.

Hope you all enjoy these!  And if you don’t, try switching up the color of chocolate chip you use.  You’re bound to love some variation!


Chocolate Chip Stuffed Raspberries


2 small containers of raspberries
Chocolate chips (white, milk chocolate, or both)


1. Wash the raspberries and try them with a paper towel.
2. After they’re dry, take a chocolate chip and stuff them inside the raspberry.
3. Continue until you have the amount desired.
4. Serve immediately.

Crock Pot Tex-Mex Chicken Taco’s


We have a thing we do every Sunday that I never really noticed until Mr. C. put a title on it.  Actually he kind of made it into a jingle and sings it to Jack every Sunday but that’s a whole different thing.  We use the crock pot every single Sunday almost religiously.  If he isn’t using it to make dips or pulled pork then I’m using it to make some sort of meal for that night or something for the week.

This past Sunday I made Tex-Mex Chicken and turned them into taco’s.  They were delicious and such a simple meal for a lazy Sunday!


Crock Pot Tex-Mex Chicken Taco’s

Makes 2-4


1.5 pounds boneless skinless chicken breast
1 16 ounce jar of salsa
1 1/2 tablespoons taco seasoning
1/2 yellow onion, diced
cheddar cheese
lime juice from a lime
avocado slices
tortilla shells


1. Sprinkle the seasoning over the chicken breasts then place them at the bottom of the slow cooker.
2. Scatter the onion on top of the chicken breasts.
3. Pour the salsa over the top and cook (covered) on low for 4-5 hours.
4. After 4-5 hours, remove the chicken from the slow cooker and shred. Put the chicken back in the slow cooker and keep on low for a half hour longer to combine all the flavors. Season with a little salt.
5. To serve, warm up the tortilla shells and place chicken in first followed by a little lettuce, cheese, cilantro, avocado slices and lime juice over the top of it all from a lime.

*Best served with a Corona or margarita :)*

Chinese Five-Spice Popcorn


I am an avid popcorn eater. I make it at least two or three times a week and absolutely love hanging out on the couch with a HUGE bowl of it. My (now) father-in-law bought me a stove top popcorn maker not too long after Mr. C. and I started dating and I literally used it everyday for the first three weeks. I couldn’t get enough of it!


I recently have been dipping into recipes for popcorn and it’s been interesting. I never thought I would like popcorn any other way than plain with butter and salt but there’s so many different things you can do with popcorn and flavors that can be added that I decided to dabble with this a bit.

My first experiment with it was making this Chinese Five Spice Popcorn. Oh my goodness was it delicious! It’s got this zingy taste that you don’t expect but makes you keep coming back for more. I really want to have friends over for a Chinese night. I’ve been finding so many good recipes lately that I could really get my ethnic side of cooking into full swing! Anyone want to come over for Chinese?! Haha! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do!


Chinese Five-Spice Popcorn

1/2 cup popcorn kernels
2 tablespoon canola oil
2 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon Chinese five-spce powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted

1. Combine corn, oil, sugar, five-spice powder and salt in a pot with a tight fitting lid over medium heat.
2. When corn begins to pop, turn heat to medium-low.
3. Shake constantly until popping slows. Remove from heat (careful-it can burn easily!), transfer to bowl and drizzle with butter.

Peanut Butter Cookies


It’s 1:25am and I’m finally getting around to posting the peanut butter cookie recipe that I promised yesterday on Instagram.  Sure I had all day (since I came home after being at work for two hours because I was so sick) to do this post but why wouldn’t I procrastinate?  Story of my life even though Mr. C. tries so hard to change that.

It was 52 degrees outside today and it’s pouring rain right now.  Yesterday we got dumped on with an inch or two of snow and an ice storm.  This weather is whacked up.  I’m ready for summer.  It may be sticky and uncomfortably hot but at least it’s consistent.

Last week I made these cookies and they were oh so good.  I kept saying “Just one more and then I’ll pack them away”.  I’m pretty sure it was seven cookies later when I finally kept my word.  Do yourself a favor and make them.  Then give them to your husband to take to work and you will win major brownie points.  Or just take them to your own work and they will be begging you to make them again.  Win-win either way.


Peanut Butter Cookies
Makes 5-6 dozen

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup creamy OR chunky peanut butter (I did half cup chunky and half cup creamy since it was all the peanut butter I had left in my house)
1 cup butter (softened)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a small bowl. Set aside.
2. Combine peanut butter with butter in a large bowl and beat with electric mixer until smooth.
3. Beat in both sugars, then eggs and vanilla extract until blended.
4. Beat in flour mixture until just blended (Refridgerate dough if you need to here).
5. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Arrange dough on an ungreased cookie sheet 2 inches apart.
6. Gently flatten each cookie and press a crisscross pattern into tops with a fork.
7. Lightly sprinke sugar over tops of cookies.
8. Bake 12 minutes or until lightly golden. Cool completely in wire rack and store in airtight container.

10 Things Sunday

You guys.  I am SICK.  And this is my SECOND time this year.  And it’s only January 27th.

I never fully recovered from my first time in the beginning of the year but this time is dragging me down hard.  I vowed this year to have it be the best year yet when it comes to my health.  I was going to work out a ton, drink more water…I am NOT off to a good start.  I’m sorry about the barely-there posts this past week.  I had good intentions but my body had other plans.

If you follow me on Instagram (and if you don’t, you should!), you saw this picture yesterday.  I was in bed until 2:30pm yesterday and it was NOT a good time.


Mr. C. took good care of me but it was obvious he had his hands full.  We were having a bunch of people over last night and he was a trooper.  I had a huge list of appetizers I was going to make but he didn’t let me touch anything in the kitchen.  Instead, I got to supervise.  I even made him use measuring cups and spoons.  Trust me…that was harder than you think!  Everything turned out really good though.  I took a long hot shower, loaded myself up on medication followed by a few swigs of wine (doesn’t that make anything better?), and threw on some bright red lips before people got there.  I’m pretty sure I faked not being sick well, but by the end of the night, I.WAS.DONE.

Enough sick talk though.  Let’s get on to the more important things.


1.  I don’t even like carrot cake very much but this looks soooooo good!


2.  Is it me or is everyone IN THE WORLD juicing these days?  Is this how you all aren’t getting sick?  This one looks like a good one to try…MAYBE I can get into it too.


3.  I can’t get over how good this looks!  Elsie painted the inside of her cabinets of her house and it is STUNNING.  Guess who will be pulling out the paint in the near future.  Oh yes 😉


4.  This top and skirt that my friend Raechel got in her recent StitchFix makes me wish I could request the exact same thing.  Isn’t it gorgeous?!  (Speaking of StitchFix, I just got my box #2 yesterday and I’ll be sure to post pictures this week…it was a REALLY good box!)


5.  Do you see these windows in this GORGEOUS kitchen?  I could take my food photography to a totally different level if I had good lighting.  Such a must for the next home!


6.  I recently signed up for this with my friend Wendy and I can’t wait for it!  If anyone lives in the Milwaukee area and wants to join us, click here to sign up!

198299189814494247_nVChMiFn_c7.  I know I’m a little late to the game but I recently started watching Gossip Girl and I am addicted.  I flew through Season 1 and Season 2 is going by pretty quickly for me too!  I am in LOVE with Blake!


8.  I have had puppy fever like none other lately!  I am convinced our little Jack needs a playmate and I almost got him one when I had completed the form for another pup online except for the name part.  That’s when Mr. C. caught me and put a kabosh to it.


9.  This is a pretty good portrayal of what yesterday was like for me.  Except I’d rather do this without the kleenex and Advil flying all over the place please!

camp_zpsa07ac23910.  Yesterday I counted our camping trips that Mr. C. is planning and it’s up to four already.  And it’s only January!  I’m ready for the fresh air and the s’mores though.  Plus isn’t this the most gorgeous picture of what camping could look like?  How would you not want to go?!

Thursday Pasta

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Happy Thursday everyone! Only one more day until the weekend and can I just say that this has felt like the longest week yet? Maybe it’s because work has been so crazy busy or because I’ve been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting on something pretty important (more on that another time) but regardless, I am glad to kiss this week goodbye.

Even more than that, it’s been so dang cold outside lately that I’ve pretty much put working out on the backburner and am in sweatpants and a sweatshirt no later than 5:35 everyday after work. Mr. C. doesn’t even know what I look like with jeans on anymore. #insertlazyfacehere

That’s what this weather does to me though. Taylor’s post today cracked me up and left me nodding my head like crazy because I 100% relate right now! Between blending in with a white background and my hands cracking because how dry they are, I have WUD too. Check this post out to find out what I’m talking about! And if you live in the Midwest, I’m sure you can relate.

Along with this time of year comes comfort food. Yup, the hearty foods that are loaded with carbs and you just don’t care because they taste so good.

Dear Pasta, let me load up on you as much as I can now because I rarely eat you in the summer.

So without further ado, here’s the recipe to the easiest and yummiest pasta yet.

But I’ll give you this one warning…it doesn’t taste the best warmed up so make sure you eat it all in one sitting. Tough life, I know.

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Pasta with Tomatoes & Basil (via Peace, Love, Good Food)
1 lb. linguine or paparadelle pasta
Several ripe tomatoes, diced into medium sized pieces
1/2 cup fresh basil, chiffonade
Fresh garlic cloves (minced – adjust to taste)
Good olive oil
Splash of red wine vinegar
Salt & pepper
Romano cheese

1. Dice tomatoes into medium sized pieces, and place in a large bowl.
2. In a heavy bottom sauce pan, saute garlic and olive oil until soft, about 3 minutes.
3. Pour warm oil & garlic mixture over tomatoes.
4. Add basil, salt, pepper and a splash of red wine vinegar.
5. Let this sit and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
6. Cook pasta according to the instructions on the package. Drain and toss with tomatoes and basil.
7. Serve with freshly grated Romano cheese.

Oriental Chicken Salad


I’ve been craving healthy lately. Last week, I went out to dinner or ordered out every night. It was terrible and shouldn’t happen again. I could feel my body slumping.

Saturday afternoon I busted out of my slump and made this salad for dinner. It’s a knock off of the Oriental Chicken Salad from Applebee’s and it is DIIII-VINE. The salad dressing is so good with that zip of sesame seed oil that gives it just the right oriental flavoring and the chow mein noodles added the perfect crunch. I also put extra on top for garnish after I added the salad dressing because I loved the crunchies so much!

If you’re feeling like you need a little healthy in your life, this is definitely the way to go. Plus the dressing tastes even better the next day.



Oriental Chicken Salad

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
6 cups chopped romain lettuce
2 cups chopped reb cabbage
1 full large carrot, shredded
2 green onions, sliced
2 tablespoons sliced almonds
3/4 cup Chow Mein noodles

1 bottle Henry’s Tas-tee Homestyle Dressing
3 tablespoons honey
1 1/2 tablespoon wine vinegar
4 teaspoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon Grey Poupon Dijon mustard
1/8 teaspoon seasame oil

1. Mix all ingredients together to make dressing.
2. Toss all salad ingredients together.
3. Top with dressing.
4. Garnish with extra Chow Mein noodles on top.